Dear Diary,
Again expressing myself writing here.. Today I'm so angry!!! Those British want us to speak their language, have the same thoughts, the same traditions, there are so many culture differences and they want us to be exactly like them! I don't want to speak their language, I don't want to see how they are destroying our culture, by forcing us to have a different thought, to speak english, to believe in other Gods, and of course I don't want to grow up, seeing how the little kids or the ones that have just born. grow up thinking that this is their real culture, that this is their own language. They will grow up in a lie, confused in something that isn't right.. And what will happen if I think different, if I don't want to obey them, if I want to speak indian, to believe in my own gods, and teach that to my future sons? What would happen? Would they kill me? Would they bring me to jail? This is not fair. We should be free to have our own different thoughts.
I wish I could escape from this, to go somewhere, but far away, I don't care where I go, I just want to be free, and let my sons be free!
I hope that the next time I write here, all these things are solved!
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