miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012


I still think why she did this to me! I was just admiring how beautiful I am, it isn't my fault that she isn't as beautiful as I am, she just envied me! Nobody can look at me now, I'm so horrible with these disgusting and strange snakes in my head, and these horrible eyes that will turn into stone to anyone that saw me, now nobody will appreciate my beauty, she is so jealous, does she think that just because she is a goddess she could do this to me, or to think she is more beautiful than me? No way, I was so much beautiful than her, she couldn't even compare to me! I hate her so much, I'm gonna take revenge someday, I'm gonna make her cry for years and years, I will make her wish she had never did this to me, she will wish she have never born, I will do to her the most horrible thing someone could do to a person or goddess, I have to make a very big plan, and make her suffer more than everybody in the world, she will never do a thing like this to anybody else. Maybe that will make me feel better, and make me forget that I would not see the most beautiful person in the world that was obviously me, and I'm not going to see anybody else again, this is the worst thing someone could do to a person like me, I want this terrible bad dream to end now!!!