lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

An essay on "The son's veto"

     The story "The son's veto" by Thomas Hardy was about a low class girl that married his rich boss, but after his death, Sophy wanted to marry Sam, a gardener, but her son did not accept it, so she did not married Sam, and died alone. The three, more important themes are: Social Classes, Education and Marriage.
     Throughout the book we could saw the differences between the social classes. This is shown, for example, when Twycott and Sophy decided to got married, not because the loved eachother, but because they needed eachother,and Twycott decided to moved away from the city, to one that no one knew them, so nobody would knew that he had married a low class girl, he had done this because it was not well seen a rich man marrying a low class girl.
     In the case of Randolph, Sophy's son, he showed that he was ashamed of his own mother, about her past and her poor education, in the case of her past she was a poor girl until she married Twycott, so she did not had a good education, so sometimes she spoke wrong and cofused some words, and Randolph hated it and was ashamed of it, so much that if he ever had the possibility of changing his mother, in my opinion, he would not had any problem.
     At last it is marriage, there were two different cases, one that happened but other one that never came true. The first one was Sophy's and Mr. Twycott, in this case, in reality they did not love eachother but needed eachother, and Sophy accepted this, just because she had too much respect for him and she was used to did whatever he asked for. The second, not reached marriage, was between Sam and Sophy. As Sam was a poor gardener Randolph did not agree on the marriage, and Sophy, respecting his son, never married sam and died alone.
     In the son's veto, Thomas Hardy, in my opinion, generaly, wanted to show the big differences between social classes. But, this differences should not exist, because in reality we are all people. This shows that in some way, all the themes mentioned about this story are all conected, and that in reality there are all about SOCIAL CLASSES.
                                         Thomas Hardy, author of the story the son's veto:

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Biomas: TAIGA

Biomas: TAIGA

En clase trabajamos sobre Biomas, y lugo de dividirnos en grupos nos repartimos los distintos Biomas.
Aca esta un trabajo en linoit sobre el Bioma Taiga.

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

The never Returned Scape

  It is a sunny day of October. I am at my bedroom alone, waiting for my mom to arrive. I am so happy today, I met a girl yesterday, and she invited me to her birthday, that is today, at night! She is such a good friend. But there's a problem, my mom thinks that as we are rich, my friends have to be rich too, but this new friend I have, is from low class, I mean poor. But I love her as a friend! I wish she let me go to that party...
 Some minutes later, I hear the door opening, as I know it's my mom I decide to go and ask her if I can go to that party.
-"Hey mom, how are you?"
-Fine Sam!
-Do you remember that girl I told you I met yesterday?
-Yes... Angela isn't it? I told you not to talk to her ever again! she's a low class girl, she's different to us. What happened with her?
-Well, in reality, I consider her a friend of mine. (she interupt me)
-You aren't going to see her!
-But is her birthday! Please mom, She's a good girl!!... (I said sadly)
-You are not going to that party and that's it!
  I ran sadly to my room and I start crying. I hate this, rich people aleays think they're better that poor, but they're just luck to have more money. I just want to go to that party! And I promise, I will!
  I decide to scape, I jump from my window and start running, but on my way to Angela's house, a car hit me, I hurt my belly and blood is everywhere.
  Now, I'm here, fighting for my life in the hospital, and I hear my mom shouting to Angela's, blaming her for everything. Minutes later I hear my mom talking to the doctors an they were saying i was not gonna make it, that I'm too weak. After the doctors go out of the room, I feel my mom sitting next to me, crying, so I try to talk to her, to calm her, but I realize I couldn't, I try to open my eyes but also I can't. And that's when I hear a strange noise from a machine, and I start feeling so much weak, and I fell asleep, and I don't remember, nothing eslse.

 Money shouldn't be something that difference us, it should be something less important, an the rich sould not treat bad poor people and not think they're less and shouldn't be selfish with them.
 And there's no problem of having a "poor" friend, because there shouldn't be any difference between poor and rich.
 This photograph show how world is nowadays, and how wrong it is, because it shouldn't be like this!

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012


Taiga:  Esta ubicado en Canadá y en Estados Unidos. Es un bioma caracterizado por sus formaciones boscosas de confieras , siendo la mayor masa forestal del planeta.
 Su temperatura media es de 19 °C en verano, y -30 °C en invierno. El promedio anual de precipitaciones alcanza los 450 mm. El periodo favorable para la vida de las plantas se reduce a cuatro meses. La vegetación dominante en la taiga es el bosque de coníferas. En las zonas de clima más duro el bosque es muy uniforme y puede estar formado exclusivamente por una sola clase de árbol. Las hojas en forma de aguja de las coníferas les permiten soportar bien las heladas y perder poco agua.
              Clima y suelo: El clima es extremadamente frío y húmedo. La temperatura media está por debajo de 0 hasta 5 °C. Los inviernos son más cortos y fríos, pero, a menudo más rigurosos que en la tundra y el suelo está cubierto de nieve
              Fauna: La vida es muy dura para los animales en invierno, por lo que las aves suelen emigrar a latitudes más cálidas, mientras que muchos de los otros animales hibernan. Los animales más característicos de la taiga son los herbívoros como el alce y reno/caribú, roedores como el castor, ardilla, liebre, y carnívoros el oso, lobo y glotón
              Flora: La taiga del sur es un bosque mixto que alterna las coníferas con árboles caducifolios como el arce, el olmo y el roble, tiene dosel cerrado, el suelo cubierto de musgos y en los claros encontramos arbustos, flores y hierbas.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Graduacion Alcoholica_Fernet Branca

La graduación alcoholica de una bebida se puede ver en su etiqueta, donde también se escuentran su fecha de elavoración, fecha de vencimiento e ingredientes. La graduación alcoholica se puede expresar asi:
x% v/v.
En el caso del Fernet, según su etiqueta su graduación alcoholica es de 45% v/v. Eso quiere decir que cada 100ml de Fernet, hay 45ml de alcohol. Por ejemplo, para averiguar la graduación alcoholica de una botella común de 1L, habría que utilizar la regla de tres simples:
100ml Fernet____45ml Alcohol      La cuenta que habría que hacer seria:   1000x45 =  450
1000ml Fernet___ Xml Alcohol                                                                    100
    Con esta cuenta damos por entendido que cada 1000ml (1Litro) de Fernet hay 450ml de alcohol.

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Report_Environmental Problems


Environmental Problems

   In this report I want to show the more afected problems of the environment that had been caused by people. It’s specially to exhibit how they affect, not only nature but human beings also, because we only have one earth, and we have to take care of it.
   The main problems are:
-          Pollution, with vehicles, factories, oil tankers and pesticides.
-          Animal species in danger of extinction.
-          Global Warming.
-          Deforestation
   In my opinion, most of these issues can be solved, in case of pollution, to stop it we ought to stop the extreme use of cars and buses for example. Also we could stop using animals for only our satisfaction, for example, in the case of tigers some people use their skins for clothes. And in the case of deforestation, we ought to stop cutting down trees. There are to many problems but these are some ways to help nature, and every little thing is important when is about environment.

E.M Practical Task


Igneous Rocks:

They are formed underground or above ground when magma
 (if it is underground) or lava (when is above ground) cools.

# Formed when lava cools above ground.
        # Actually glass and not a mixture of minerals.
# It’s edges are sharp.

Metamorphic Rocks:
Were igneous or sedimentary rocks before, that with the pressure,
wich fosters hit build up, and this causes them to change.

Schist Rocks: 
# Were igneous rocks before.
# Are formed from basalt.
                                # Transform into metamorphic because of 
 heat and pressure.

Sedimentary Rocks:
Are formed million years ago, by little pieces of earth or rocks
 that were erosion or weathering, this pieces get together
and formed the sedimentary rocks.

Conglomerate Rocks.
# Made up of large sediments.
              # It cemented together with dissolved
                # Sediments are so large that pressure
       can’t hold the rock.


What rocks are similar to the ones we saw in class?

The ones that are very similar to the ones we saw in class are the Obsidian
and Schist Rocks. But the Conglomerate Rock is not similar to any rock 
that we saw in class.

It’s less common to find them, that’ why
they are more value.
It’s more common to find them, that’s
why they are less value.

By: Ganora, Florencia
       Villar C. Camila

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,
   Again expressing myself writing here.. Today I'm so angry!!! Those British want us to speak their language, have the same thoughts, the same traditions, there are so many culture differences and they want us to be exactly like them! I don't want to speak their language, I don't want to see how they are destroying our culture, by forcing us to have a different thought, to speak english, to believe in other Gods, and of course I don't want to grow up, seeing how the little kids or the ones that have just born. grow up thinking that this is their real culture, that this is their own language. They will grow up in a lie, confused in something that isn't right.. And what will happen if I think different, if I don't want to obey them, if I want to speak indian, to believe in my own gods, and teach that to my future sons? What would happen? Would they kill me? Would they bring me to jail? This is not fair. We should be free to have our own different thoughts.
     I wish I could escape from this, to go somewhere, but far away, I don't care where I go, I just want to be free, and let my sons be free!
  I hope that the next time I write here, all these things are solved!

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Todos los soles mienten

  El libro Todos los soles mientes, escrito por el autor Esteban Valentino, es una novela de ciencia ficción que trata sobre un grupo de 12 chicos que están sufriendo el fin del mundo. El mundo se termina para ellos y para todos los humanos por el enfriamiento global. Descubren un objeto que puede salvarlos, pero solo a unos pocos, y con el transcurso de la historia descubren que no era en realidad causa del desgaste del sol si no que solo un siniestro plan que el grupo de amigos que intentara destruir.  
  En mi opinión el libro fue escrito con ideas muy creativas y originales, ya que el fin del mundo usualmente es por el calentamiento global y cosas por el estilo, pero en este caso el autor opto por otra idea mas extraña. La novela es muy interesante aunque en momentos confusa, por las diferencias que pueden aparecer con el mundo actual, como la falta de apellidos o la casería de ratas. También algo que llama mucho la atención es el final, por mi parte yo no me esperaba ese final, fue bastante inesperado, sorprendente y una mezcla entre feliz y triste.
  Por momentos sentía tristeza por todo lo que tenían que pasar unos chicos de aproximadamente 16 años. Y en otras partes era emocionante y increíble lo unidos que eran los amigos sabiendo que algunos sobrevivirían y otros tal vez no, También como arriesgan sus vidas en algunas situaciones. En fin a mi me pareció un excelente libro/novela, y de verdad la recomendaría.
                                                            Portada de Todos los soles mienten

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012


A través de TICs estamos aprendiendo a programar. Programar es un proceso por el cual se crea un programa que cumpla las ordenes que uno quiera. Para ello estamos utilizando SCRATCH, un programa por el cual se puede programar dando ordenes a un objeto animado. El cual se puede modificar como uno quiera, esto también puede realizarse con el fondo. Por ejemplo: si uno da la orden de que el objeto gire, este girara.

Conoce más sobre este proyecto

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012


I still think why she did this to me! I was just admiring how beautiful I am, it isn't my fault that she isn't as beautiful as I am, she just envied me! Nobody can look at me now, I'm so horrible with these disgusting and strange snakes in my head, and these horrible eyes that will turn into stone to anyone that saw me, now nobody will appreciate my beauty, she is so jealous, does she think that just because she is a goddess she could do this to me, or to think she is more beautiful than me? No way, I was so much beautiful than her, she couldn't even compare to me! I hate her so much, I'm gonna take revenge someday, I'm gonna make her cry for years and years, I will make her wish she had never did this to me, she will wish she have never born, I will do to her the most horrible thing someone could do to a person or goddess, I have to make a very big plan, and make her suffer more than everybody in the world, she will never do a thing like this to anybody else. Maybe that will make me feel better, and make me forget that I would not see the most beautiful person in the world that was obviously me, and I'm not going to see anybody else again, this is the worst thing someone could do to a person like me, I want this terrible bad dream to end now!!!

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Cyber Bulling - Tus 10 Comportamientos Digitales

3- hago uso de mi identidad de manera segura en mi interacción con otros En los ambientes tecnológicos.

Yo elegí este tema para redactar porque creo que hay que tener cuidado en que y a quien le decimos datos por medio de Internet, y mas cuidado hay que tener aun si no conocemos a la persona con la que estemos hablando.
Si te preguntan el nombre, podes evitar decirlo diciendo tu nombre de usuario (Nick) o si no tu apodo. No es recomendable dar datos como el nombre de tu escuela o dirección de tu casa, nunca sabes cuales son las intenciones de la persona con la que estas hablando si no la conoces. Si dice que es amigo de un conocido tuyo es conveniente comprobarla hablando con la persona que dice conocer...
Nunca des datos muy personales si te lo preguntan y es un desconocido, ten cuidado con quien hablas online y siempre intenta en lo posible hablar con respeto.