domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Vested Interest: Mad Men- Tobacco Companies

     After watching a video from the series of Mad Men (first episode); in which a Tobacco company, Lucky Strike, was looking forward to create a believable advertisement about their cigarettes; we had to analyse where can we find the vested interest and why Peter's idea fails and Dom's idea doesn't.
  We can say that the company has a vested interest because it has something to gain or to lose from the information released which stated that tobacco causes lung cancer, this statement affects the sells of the cigarettes therefore the company has to defend certain point of view so as to avoid the dropping of sells.
   Peter's idea consisted on accepting that tobacco was bad for health and/or dangerous but also stating that also were cars, but people still use and buy them. On the other hand Dom decides to "compare" Lucky Strike with other cigarette companies. While other cigarettes are bad for health, Lucky Strikes are toasted. This is a manipulation of evidence, they may not tell a lie, but they would be hiding the truth by showing certain evidence and hiding other. This worked because it makes people believe that other tobacco is unhealthy, but Lucky Strike's isn't.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

Tobacco advertising

In class we talked about vested interest and how it influences companies to distort the truth in order to obtain a profit from it. We worked on how it affects tobacco companies and their advertisings with the next two questions:
1-  Advertising helps the tobacco because it can disguise a harmful product and alter the evidence so as to  make it seem as something that we need, something essential and beneficial in a certain way.
2-  Cigarettes companies have a vested interest in the profit they gain from the sales of tobacco. Therefore cigarette advertising tend to have distorted the truth, for example regarding the side effects tobacco causes in our health. this is due to the fact that they hide the evidence showing the bad aspects of tobacco effect on us and yet assuring their bussiness. 

(Image analysis) Tobacco companies have a vested interest in the profit they gain for selling the cigarettes, that's why advertisments have to be presented in a way that it makes you believe there is something from
The product that benefits you or helps you in some way. In this case, the advertisement aims to make men believe that by smoking, they will be more attractive to woman. Wants to show them that only by "blowing in her face" smoke girls will fell for him.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015


Pour 24 persones

INGREDIENTS                                                              GRANITURE (quantitè au goût)
1kg de farine                4 cuillères de sucre            Confiture du lait             Caramel
6 oeufs                         2 pincées de sel                 Crème chantilli               Almonds
2l lait                                                                        Noix

  1. Mettre la farine, le sucre et les oeufs dans un saladier.
  2. Progressivement ajouter le lait et battre.
  3. Mettre deux pincées de sel.
  4. Melanger jusqu´à obteuir une pâte sans groumeaux.
  5. Laisser reposer la pâte à crêpe.
  6. Prendre une poêle et la mettre au feu.
  7. Verser un demi-louche de votre pâte dans la poêle.
  8. Faire cuire 1-2 minutes par face.

  • Vous pouvez manger les crêpes avec quelque graniture.

  • TIP!
Laisser reposser la pâte tout le soir pour un mellieur preparation.